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Like the physical exhibition, our virtual museum is divided into smaller more manageable sections. These are best viewed here. The categories are not very strict as many items could belong in more than one section.
Digital disasters
The blazing pace of technological innovation is astonishing, and the fierce competition means that the majority of new products are left biting the pixelated dust. In the tech world, even the largest and most successful companies often flirt with failure before coding the next big thing.
Medical Mishaps
Organizations need to improve their willingness to accept and learn from failure, even when the stakes are high. Yes, that even applies to healthcare providers. But buyer beware - snake oil peddlers have also evolved and are more than happy to sell you on the latest high-tech versions of their useless, and potentially lethal products.
What were they thinking?!
Some ideas are best left on the drawing board. The lesson learned from many of these innovations is that just because you CAN create a new product doesn’t mean that you SHOULD.
So close, and yet…
A fine line exists between success and failure. Some products fail due to poor strategy and planning, while others simply fall victim to the whims of an unpredictably cruel world.
The future is (not) now
The future has always intrigued us. The reason innovation is so exciting is because it tempts us with the possibility of creating the future of our dreams. But sometimes innovators fly too close to the sun, and the end result is a sobering crash landing back to reality.
Failure in Motion
We have made fantastic progress in transportation over the last century. Much of that can be attributed to the perseverance of the innovators that powered on in the face of failure. Yet, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. Some of the failures in transport innovation are tragic, some are strange, and others are just funny.
Failure to Innovate
Innovate or die is the motto of many successful companies. The world is ever-changing, and companies that don’t invest in innovation soon find their products or themselves on display at the Museum of Failure.